The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) of the State Islamic University of Makassar (UINAM), through the Department of Management and the Investment Gallery Laboratory, successfully held a national seminar with the theme “Managing Active Income and Passive Income through Sharia Entrepreneurial Activities in the Digital Era” on Wednesday, October 16, 2024
This event was held at the FEBI UINAM Hall by inviting millennial speakers who have been successful in building investment from a young age.
The speakers who participated in this seminar were:
Y. Dadi Hermawan; Head of Education, Public Relations, and Institutional Relations Division of LPS Makassar
- Pungge Harianto P.; Finance and Accounting Practitioner as well as Manager of Days Dessert
- Rudianto; Founder of
- Achmad Irfan Ibrahim Senior Trainer Bursa Efek Indonesia Sulawesi Selatan
- Normasita; Senior Analyst OJK South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi
Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs of FEBI, Dr. H. Rahman Ambo Masse, Lc., M.Ag., opened this seminar on behalf of the Dean of FEBI. In his remarks, Dr. Rahman emphasized the importance of investment as a way to protect and increase the value of the assets owned. He explained that investments can be made in the financial and real sectors, and highlighted the importance of understanding investment risks. “The higher the risk, the greater the return that can be obtained. Therefore, it is important for us to have adequate knowledge in choosing the type of investment, so that our assets develop properly,” he said. He also invited FEBI lecturers and students to invest in the sharia ecosystem, considering the rapid development in this sector in Indonesia.
In addition to the seminar, this event was also enlivened by an exhibition of student entrepreneurship products. The products on display vary, from food to fashion, demonstrating FEBI’s commitment to supporting student innovation and entrepreneurial activities. This exhibition lasts for four days, from October 16 to 19, 2024.
This national seminar was closed with the handing over of certificates to the speakers and a group photo session as a sign of appreciation.
Farid Fajrin