Implementation of Integration of Islam, Science, and Technology Based on Religious Moderation

The Center for Islamic Studies, Science, and Technology, LP2M UIN Alauddin Makassar in collaboration with the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) UIN Alauddin Makassar held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on “Implementation of Integration of Islam, Science, and Technology Based on Religious Moderation

In his remarks, the Head of the Center for Islamic Studies, Science and Technology, Prof. Dr. Drs. H. Supardin, M.H.I., conveyed the importance of synergy between religious science and science to present innovations that are beneficial to the wider community. He emphasized that religious moderation is the main principle in combining Islamic teachings with the development of science and technology.

The first speaker, Prof. Dr. H. Arfin Hamid, S.H., M.H. who is a Professor of Islamic Law and Sharia Economics at Hasanuddin University in the material “Harmonization of Islam, Science and Technology Based on Moderation” which he conveyed the idea that the meeting point between sharia and conventional understanding can use the Al Adatul Muhakkamah approach.

Furthermore, the second resource person, Dr. Muhammad Wahyuddin Abdullah, M.Si., Ak. Vice Dean I of FEBI Academic Midwife in 2019-2023 who is also the first alumnus of the Religious Moderation ToT in collaboration with the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, discussed “Collaboration between Islam and Technology with the Principles of Religious Moderation”. In his presentation, the lecturer of the Accounting Study Program raised again about 4 indicators of religious moderation, namely national commitment, tolerance, anti-violence, and acceptance of tradition, then how this concept of moderation is used in academic practice by raising several topics that are relevant to current conditions.

The Dean of FEBI, as well as the Dean of FEBI, Dr. Amiruddin K, M.EI also gave a presentation on “Synergy of Islam, Science and Technology”. Dr. Rahman Ambo Masse, Lc., M.Ag, Vice Dean I of FEBI acted as the moderator.

According to Dr. Rahman, there are three strategic steps in the implementation of this integration. “First, the curriculum must be based on scientific integration. Second, research and innovation must be oriented towards the benefit of the community. Third, moderation in the use of technology, especially social media to spread educational content and avoid hoaxes,” he explained.

The FGD, which was attended by FEBI lecturers and students, aims to prepare the academic community to face the challenges of the times by adhering to the principle of benefit and accommodating local wisdom. The event was closed with the handing over of certificates and souvenirs to the speakers.

Through this FGD, we hope to strengthen our understanding of the importance of integrating Islamic values in the development of science and technology,” concluded Dr. Amiruddin K.


Farid Fajrin

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