FEBI News – Three study programs under the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) UIN Alauddin Makassar, namely Accounting, Management and Islamic Economics, have successfully submitted Lamemeba forms on February 14 2025. This activity was carried out in the FEBI Meeting Room, 2nd floor, Campus 2 UIN Alauddin Makassar, Samata, Gowa. Submitting this form is an important stage in the study program accreditation process which aims to achieve the title of “Excellent” from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (LAMEMBA).
After completing the form submission process, the next plan is to wait for the field assessment schedule from the LAMEMBA team. This field assessment is a crucial stage in the accreditation process, where the assessor team will carry out direct verification of the data and information that has been submitted in the form.
Dr. Lince Bulutoding, as Coordinator of the Form Preparation Team and Head of the Accounting Study Program, revealed that the process of preparing this form took 2 months and was faced with various challenges. “We have to complete this form in the midst of academic activities, such as the 2024/2025 odd semester final exams, filling in SKP, and lecturer e-performance. “However, the team’s enthusiasm remains high to ensure this form is completed on time,” he explained.

Dr. Amiruddin K., Dean of FEBI UIN Alauddin Makassar, expressed his high appreciation to all the teams involved. “We are very proud of the dedication and hard work of the form preparation team. This is clear evidence of our commitment to continue improving the quality of education at FEBI. “I hope that by submitting this form, the three study programs at FEBI can achieve the Superior title from LAMEMBA,” he said.
Dr. Rahman Ambo Masse, Deputy Dean I FEBI, also appreciated the teamwork spirit amidst busy academic activities. “This is proof of the team’s dedication in carrying out double duties, both as educators and as form preparers. “We hope that Accounting, Management and Islamic Economics can obtain Superior accreditation from LAMEMBA,” he said.
The process of preparing the Lamemeba form involves various parties, including lecturers, education staff and students. The form preparation team has ensured that all data and information presented is accurate and in accordance with the standards set by LAMEMBA. Apart from that, this activity also provides momentum for self-evaluation for study programs to continue to improve the quality of education and academic services.

With the completion of the Lamemeba form submission, the three study programs at FEBI UIN Alauddin Makassar are now waiting for the field assessment schedule from the LAMEMBA team. The results of this accreditation will later become a reference for continuing to improve the quality of education and academic services within the FEBI environment.